Who is not allowed to have laser hair removal?

who is not allowed laser hair removal

No laser hair removal is not for everyone, and here is why.

Laser hair removal is an excellent option for people looking to get rid of unwanted body hair. However, there are some cases in which it's not safe or effective.

This article will explore who isn't allowed to have laser hair removal and the reasons why.

Anyone person under the age of 14

You must be 14 or older to consider laser hair removal. This is because children have thinner skin and smaller blood vessels, making them more likely to bruise and bleed during treatment. Additionally, they are more likely to have an allergic reaction to the laser.

Most experts agree that children should wait until they have completed puberty and females have started their menstrual cycle.

There are also health concerns for people with certain medical conditions that prevent them from undergoing laser hair removal. If you're unsure if this applies to you or your child, contact your doctor before making an appointment.

pregnant women should not do laser hair removal

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy. No studies have yet been done, but most dermatologists advise against laser hair removal while pregnant.

A study done in 2017 noted the safety of the cosmetic procedure of using lasers to remove and treat a condition like kidney stones and genital warts in pregnant women. The study showed that these cosmetic procedures do not affect the human body. That said, no safety data shows that using laser hair removal machines while pregnant is safe.

During breastfeeding, you should use extra caution when getting a laser treatment. Laser hair removal during breastfeeding is acceptable for both mother and baby, but breastfeeding mothers should avoid using the laser hair removal device near the breast tissue or areola area.

This is because your skin could absorb some of the energy from the laser beam and transfer it through your milk ducts into your body or your child's body.

People with abnormal hair loss or patchy areas on their skin

If you're worried about hair loss or patchy areas on your skin, laser hair removal isn't a good idea. Laser hair removal can cause inflammation, which can lead to scarring.

This may also be a problem for you if you have a history of keloid scarring. If you suffer from skin problems, we advise avoiding laser hair treatment.

People prone to acne should avoid laser hair removal either because the procedure can open up pores and cause severe breakouts.

medication and laser hair removal should be avoided

People taking certain medications

If you are taking any of the following medications, laser hair removal may cause side effects:

  • Antidepressants
  • Birth control pills
  • Blood thinners (such as Coumadin)

If you are not sure whether or not your medications can be used in conjunction with laser hair removal, ask your doctor. If you do not know the answer to this question, do not have a procedure done until you have spoken with your physician.

People with severe skin conditions

People with severe skin conditions should avoid laser hair removal. This includes people who suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or acne. Laser treatments can exacerbate these conditions, and some medicines can cause the skin to dry, worsening these conditions.

You should talk to your doctor before pursuing laser hair removal treatment if you have any of these illnesses mentioned above.

People with certain health conditions may not be able to have laser hair removal.

  1. Keloids are when scars grow back abnormally.
  2. Skin cancer is a fairly obvious exclusion for laser hair removal.
  3. Lupus is another health condition that makes laser hair removal less safe, as it can cause your immune system to overreact to the lasers and cause adverse reactions in the skin.
  4. Rosacea is another condition that may make you more likely to react negatively to the lasers and make you more sensitive after treatment.

do you have a medical condition

Those with a medical history

Your medical history includes certain conditions that may make you at risk for complications from laser treatments, such as heart disease and diabetes.

In addition, it's also important to consider whether you've been exposed to UV light in the past two weeks; exposure can cause burn marks on your skin that will make it less likely for the laser treatment to work effectively.

Anybody who has exposed their skin to UV light two weeks before treatment is not allowed to have laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure. If you have had laser hair removal, you must not expose your skin to UV light for two weeks before treatment. This means you must wear sunscreen and avoid tanning beds or any other UV light source during this time.

The following are examples of sources of UV light that are not allowed:

  • Sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) less than 30
  • Tanning beds
  • Tanning lotions

If you have a rash on your skin or an infection of any kind, you cannot receive laser hair removal treatment. Please see your doctor before your laser treatment session if you have any questions about whether your current medical condition will allow for laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal does not work with white, red, or grey hair.

The laser cannot remove these types of hairs because they don't contain melanin pigments (the stuff that makes skin darker). So instead, we advise you to consider electrolysis if you have white, red, or grey hair. This method uses electricity instead of heat to target individual strands of hair at the root.

tatoo skin and laser hair removal

Lasers and Tattooed skin

Tattoos are permanent; they're always there unless you undergo a costly procedure to remove them altogether (which takes about two years). Areas with tattoos should be avoided while undergoing laser hair removal.

If you must treat areas with tattoos during this period and would like optimal results afterwards, go over those spots carefully before treating them again so as not to risk burning them off! It will take much longer than usual for new growths of unwanted hair after treatment due to their lack of melanin pigment—upwards of up three months instead of mere weeks!

Consistency of Treatment

You need to follow the recommended treatment schedule. You must complete the entire series of sessions, which is crucial for optimal results. Gaps or inconsistent treatments may reduce effectiveness.

Your Hair Density

Higher hair density in the treatment area may need more sessions to achieve the desired results.

Hormonal Factors

Hormonal changes, such as those related to pregnancy, menopause, or certain medical conditions, can influence hair growth. Hormonal factors may need extra sessions or maintenance treatments.

People with skin sensitivity

Individuals with susceptible skin may experience increased discomfort or adverse reactions. A person should undergo a patch test. This will help you to assess skin sensitivity.

You have recently undergone waxing or plucking.

We recommend avoiding waxing or plucking hair in the treatment area before laser hair removal. Waxing and plucking remove the whole hair follicle from the skin. The hair removal procedure targets the pigment in the hair follicle. If you have undergone plucking or waxing, you do not have any hair below the skin's surface. If you don't have any, you cannot use a laser hair removal device.


As you can see, many factors determine whether someone is a good candidate for laser hair removal. Therefore, discussing your options with a professional before making any decisions about this procedure is essential.

This article has been medically reviewed by: Dr. Walters (MD)